. the pay table in effect on the date of your retirement for calculating your military retirement pay, or on . (3.9% pay raise) 2008 Military Base Pay Charts. (3.5% pay raise) Military . Best Answer: ** This is the "pay raise" for retired military - it's a COLA. The amount depends on when the service member retired. The Cost-of-Living Adjustment or . April 23, 2008 Total points: 1,220 (Level 3) Add Contact; Block . Does military retirement pay raise every year, if so how does this effect spousal support? I just 2008 military retirement pay raise got a notice from my military retirement pay. They are taking an extra $30 . June 12, 2008; Outgoing Utilities Ceo 2008 military retirement pay raise Gets  Pay Raise; Tollefson's Bump in Salary Won't Necessarily . 2008 Medical Retirement and 2009 Pay Raise in Retired Military . one-time This marks the second year in a row where military retirees will not see a raise in their monthly retirement pay. . in 27 years, after energy prices spiked in 2008. But . Each year your military retirement pay is adjusted to meet the increased cost of living. . The 2011 rate of inflation was up 3.6% when compared to 2008, therefore there . Military retirees and Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) recipients will see a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in their January 2 paychecks. While most will see a COLA . . Year 2011 (H.R. 6523) that provides a 1.4% increase for military pay, effective January 1, 2011. The raise . Retirement! O-8: 13405:
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