I'm helping a laptop user log into our domain (MAIL - don't laugh I didn't come up with the name) because he has copy local profile domain profile been using a local profile and not
. copy a user profile in . the local computer's SAM, depending upon it's membership in a domain or in a workgroup. If the profile will be used by many users (such as copying .
I am having trouble copying local machine profiles to domain profiles. Is there a resource that you know of that I can consult for best practices on copying profiles?
Are you talking about a roaming profile - so you'd want to copy the local profile to a location on the server? You can use the copyto feature (system properties .
Hello all. Here is my situation. I had been on a domain "Test.com" on a workstation. The user name that I used to log in was "Thomas.Nguyen". However, after having to .
Dear All, I heard that there is very friendly tool that could copy local profile to domain user profile which will be stored local to the same machine
windows profiiles, using/copying local
copy local profile domain profile
profile to domain profiles sonu Newbie (3 Posts) 9/25/2003 10:58:29 AM Dear all.
. heard that in Windows 7, I can associate a local profile that I've had with my domain . You can copy your local profile over your domain profile using windows easy transfer .
When converting a small network to a domain, copying local computer user accounts . user's profile information should be transferred to the new domain profile on the local.
Convert local profile to domain profile, Windows Server Help, Windows 2000 . existing local profile on each client, so I tried to copy the local > profile into the domain .
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